Monday, February 8, 2016

Mission Week 30: Welcome to Manacor, Elder Cook!

Elder Allen is gone!!!!!!!!!!! He is off to Barcelona!

MY NEW COMPANION IS ELDER COOK!!!!! He is in Elder Allen's group. He was in my zone in Hospitalet. He will fly in this evening.

The members were really sad to see Elder Allen go, but we know it's for the best, it's time for him to get a new start, and I know he is going to do great things in his next area.

This has been a great week. I think we gave out more Copies of the Book of Mormon then I had ever given in my whole mission. We wanted to hit the streets so hard, and we gave out so many books. It was such a miracle. On evening we were walking by a cafe and saw a friend who told us he had time right then to listen, so we sat down and were able to talk about the restoration with him and his family. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he has already read a lot. We are so excited to
teach him and help him come unto to Christ.

This week we had branch conference where they heavily focused on the area plan of Europe. I realized that we as missionaries have the same obligation to invite a friend, be self sufficient, and find an ancestor, even if it's in a different way. We decided that we really want to be teaching this to members so I set some goals for myself, and we are getting to work. I started by taking my family pictures and pasting them in my "la familia" pamphlet, and writing stories. I am so excited, and now, when members want to know my family, I can also teach them.

We went to lots of pueblos this week, trying to tract in every part of the area.... We saw some amazing views, and met some great people.... The problem is, not many people live in those little areas, and they are so hard to get to, we try to make the time count, but sometimes
it's difficult.

I am learning so much from my studies in the Old Testament. One of things I love about the Lord is that with the house of Israel, if they obey, he blesses them, but if they don't, he plagues them. Oh it is so funny, but I feel like it applies to missionary work and our lives in general. When we obey, we are blessed, and when we don't, in a way, he plagues us. My hope is to always have the blessings. I also love how many different way the Lord plagues the people. Snakes, sickness, wars, fire, huge holes in the ground, you name it.

I love you so much. I hope you have a great week!!!!!

Elder Tyson

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