Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mission Week 86

February  27, 2017
Father, Mother, Sisters, Brother,

Life in Badalona is a great one. We were so blessed to find some great new investigators this week that really have potential and to have a great intercambio with some elders in our zone.

I am learning so much from Elder Knadler. He is very much a peace maker. He is always trying to say things to leave everyone feeling happy and uplifted. We worked so hard this week to have more companionship unity. I think we are finally getting used to the teaching styles of one another and we are seeing great things happen for our efforts.

We found an incredible family this week, a mother and her son who had heard of and had listened to the missionaries over 16 years ago. We are so excited for their progression. We were able to set a baptismal date with them and they seemed really excited to read the Book of Mormon.

We are also teaching L., she is Chinese. It is interesting to teach her because she doesn't have a Christian background or really believes what we have to say yet, but she likes the message, she wants to believe it and is very interested in baptism. We have shared with her various lessons on a variety of different topics, but she was most impacted when we discussed the life of Jesus Christ and his baptism. She said she really wanted to witness a baptism so we took her the very next week. She loved the service.

The miracle we saw this week was finding and teaching M. We contacted her in the street during an intercambio and we sat down and taught her a lesson on prayer right there. We even sang her a hymn. She invited us back and we saw the same miracle as we taught her in her home. She loved the message of the Restoration and is preparing to be baptized in the coming month.

This week I learned from the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants section 121:7-8, "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes." I love this scripture because it applies to all of the trials that we have and all of the problems we face. Nothing we pass through this life is permanent. God has a plan for us and everything we face is for our own good.

Today for preparation day we went to a fancy labyrinth! It was a lot of fun.... I also ripped my pants, trying to carry Elder Knadler after he twisted his ankle. 

Funny stories....

So two drunk men came and talked to us, and I told one of them that I liked his watch, so he took it off and tried to give it to me. I couldn't accept and when I denied the offer, his friend offered me one of his two smart phones. He put it in my hand, and turned to walk away. Can't lie, the temptation was real, but I returned the phone and we went on our way.

I always ask people if they want to quit smoking to start my contacts, because it is such a dirty habit. And they always say no or another day, and I ask them to give me their cigarette to throw it away, to help them. They always say no, but yesterday, a man actually gave me cigarette. I felt like a real superhero. I was doing super hero poses and everything. I was elated. It was so great!!

Excited for another great week!
Elder Kade Jay Tyson

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