Hey family!!! This has been one long week... finally realizing how
hard this mission is going to be. My companion and I fought a lot
this week.... I am just selfish, but I am working on it.... we came to
realize how childish we were... the food still struggles but the adventures are crazy.....
today we are going to the Real Madrid Stadium... I am trying to send pictures of my
adventures from last week so hopefully you get them...... our MTC is
being audited by some Provo buffs so everyone is on their best
behavior!!!!! my Spanish is coming along great... I understood
everything in dad's testimony!!!! I am learning how to speak with
power.... who knew eye contact could go so far..... haha..... I am
really feeling like a representative of Jesus Christ.... with his name
on my shirt I have the authority to do what he would do, say what he
would say.... it brings so much power.... chatting is allowed by the
way.... the people here are so kind... they are always helping with
our Spanish and helping us stay away from bad words!!!! This week has
flown by... I had the opportunity to give a blessing to a sister in my
district and I could feel the Holy Ghost working through me!!! this
church is so true!!! I cant believe Zach is going back to the Y....
what does Kalee think? Kiley Fritcher said that he was wearing my
clothes... does he like them.... hopefully they fit haha.... love you
lots and cant wait to do this for real!!!!!!
Hi Kade,
We miss you tons...
sounds like you've had quite the week!!!! Companionships are what I
think are the hardest part of missionary life but at the same time,
teaches us so much about ourselves and others.. I'm glad you are working
things out and trying to improve yourself each day... good job!
the food still struggled I didn't think that fish was supposed to be grey.... yikes... we had Spanish tortillas though.
miss you tons... hopefully we can figure this email thing out... sorry to wake you!!!
You didn't wake me... I just set my alarm starting at 3:30 a.m.
for every 1/2 hour so I'm sorry to miss your cute face...this is the best
part of the week... we will always love getting online, no matter what
time..... I will love looking at these pictures all week, thank you
these pictures are AMAZING!!!! WOW what a beautiful place,,, love the architecture...
you look great!!!!
Do you get your haircut there? it looks great!
Are you able to write in your journal?

i have been writing.... they cut the hair here, all the same!!!!! so i
need to let it grow out so that it doesnt look lopsided... jajajajaja
ok love you so much!!!!! see you!!!!
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