been the hardest and the best... this week we started Lava Tuesday
where we are not allowed to touch the floor at all in our room.... it
was so fun... we were using chairs and building bridges with our
ladders, dangerous but fun..... I set up our district ping pong
tournament that will commence tomorrow... we have ghetto stuff but its
pretty cool....
I found out this week that the other districts were
not only afraid of me but thought I was mean.... I
felt crushed.... normally I wouldn't care what other people thought of
me, but here, I am not just me..... here I represent the lord Jesus
Christ.... so I had my companion give me a blessing because I was
really struggling.... and I could truly feel my Savior's love... it
doesn't matter what other people think of you as long as you are doing
your best... the lord loves you...
I led the music at the park because
apparently I am musically inclined and it was so fun.... music truly
invites the spirit.
I hope all is well.... getting oodles of
emails from people I would never expect so that's awesome.....
love you guys!!!!
So a visa is only good for 6 months so every year we have to renew our residency to stay in the country..... we were supposed to do it this morning... but our appointment was pushed back.... we went to the DMV.... boring in all countries..... the DMV used to be a medical facility for the prison..... sketch but cool!!!! the stadium was awesome, I will send some pics!!!!
We go to the temple every week on p-day, not today because we did residency...... classes are long but we are learning a ton... I think we leave for Barcelona on the 18... but not sure.... ya my comp and I had a huge break through... our lessons just slap investigators in the face with the spirit... its so awesome.... the president is such a softie..... its his wife that is a tough cookie, but her cookies are delicious... we get them weekly because of our spotless room.... i memorized the first vision in Spanish and recited it to an investigator and it was so powerful... the spirit was so strong... she said that she thought he was high... so asked her how did she feel not how she thought and the spirit was like cement.... it was beautiful
The flower you see in my pocket was made by Hermana Lovell (MTC President's wife)... I complimented it and she gave it to me!!!! score!!!!
Kade was able to take a tour of the Real Madrid Soccer Stadium!
The food still is gross... but today we had chicken Parmesan... the absolute best...its funny, one of my favorite meals is chicken alfredo.... and i hated that at home!!!!!
From DAD:
How many people are in the MTC now? Do you have any missionaries going to Russia? Have any general authorities been there to visit?
From Elder Tyson:
no GA´s.... just got some new Russian learners..... we have probably have 45 missionaries.... well I have to go... love you lots.... I pray for you everyday!!!!