Dear family,
It was a great week this week. Lots of fun stuff!!!!
WE FOUND THE HOLY GRAIL TODAY!!!!!!!! It was in a cathedral, and it was
pretty anticlimactic. But the pope has declared that this one is the
real one, so it has to be real.
also went to a great store that sells SPANISH SWORDS!!!!!! I couldn't
resist, I had to buy a dagger!!!!!! It is really cool!!!!!! I would love
to buy a sword, like Enigo Montoya from the Princess bride!!!!! I was
wondering if that would be possible, I would send it home of course. But
they are something that is super Spanish!!!!!! Something very unique to
One miracle we saw was with L., a great friend who is preparing for baptism on the 15th. We taught him the plan of Salvation and he told us how he wanted his wife and children to know this plan. He loved it and really wants his family to unite with him in the Gospel. We hope that by his example, his family will accept the Gospel.
This week I had an experience like never before on my mission. We were out contacting and we starting talking to a Spanish woman about the Gospel. She started by telling us she didn´t like the churches of the world because they made it all about money. They pay their pastors and don´t give to the poor. She said that thought that the leaders should be normal men, not receiving special education for their position. She then talked about how she believed that after the the death of the apostles, the true church was lost. Then, above all, she told us how her husband had died and no church could bring him back. I almost lost it. I wanted to shout for joy, sing praises and tell her that SHE COULD SEE HIM AGAIN, that we do have normal men as leaders, we do give to the poor, the church was lost, but it is here again.
We did all we could. I pleaded with her to give us just thirty minutes of her time. I knew this was what she was looking for. We testified and she didn´t want anything. She denied. She said, something like that can´t exist, it´s gone... I was destroyed. I knew that we had exactly what she needed, and she didn´t accept. I felt the true love of the Lord for her. I feel so sad that she chose to use her agency in a bad way. We gave her our information, and I hope she calls!
I also loved General Conference! It was so inspired by the talks, and especially the music. I was really inspired by the message of M. Russell Ballard. He spoke about the conversation with Jesus and His disciples and Peter said, "To whom shall we go?" It was great for me to remember that this is the only church that can save us. There is no other place to for the truth. I also loved how he brought back the ol' ship Zion. Although there are big waves, and a great storm, we have to remember that Christ is on His ship, and He can calm the Tempest.
had transfers this week, nothing changed in our piso. It was really
chill. Thank you for all your letters and support!!!! Hope you have a
great week!!!!!
Elder Tyson
Elder Tyson